Carixer- Car Care Products

Carixer- Car Care Products

We Ecowide group is the leading distributor of the ever best eco-friendly “CARIXER” Waterless Car Wash and other waterless car care products in GCC and India. Our company is based in UAE with the European originated product line with trade mark name as “CARIXER” and has a wide range of products like vehicle body wash, interior wash, engine degreaser, carpet cleaner and conditioner, marine cleaning concentrate, micro-fiber clothes, etc..

يمكنك التواصل مع Carixer- Car Care Products من خلال الإتصال المباشر أو عبر نموذج الإتصال:

بيانات التواصل

  • الإمارات دبي - الخبيصي - Deira Business Centre
  • 00971555107894
  • 9

نموذج الإتصال

تصميم وبرمجة المواقع الإلكترونية
+9716 5439020
+971 52 9911102
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